Posted: December 20, 2011 at 11:45 a.m.
Iven Malachi, kindergartner at Jones Elementary school, walks away with his arms loaded with goodie bags Tuesday Dec. 20, 201... (By: Anthony Reyes)
“I’ve never got this many presents before,” said Jacob Garner, 11. “We’re so excited.”
Local businesses donated $30,000 in money and gifts to give Jones students an early Christmas.
Ninety-six percent of Jones students are eligible for free or reduced lunch, and minorities make up 91 percent of the student population.
Many schools have Angel Tree programs, where participants buy gifts for children in need. Having an Angel Tree was not an option at Jones, though.
“When you have poverty as high as we have at Jones, it’s impossible to have an Angel Tree,” said Principal Melissa Fink. “Every child here is an angel.”