Friday, January 9, 2015

Jones Elementary Students Featured in International Publication

Children's Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction has been a useful resource at Jones Elementary for the past ten years. Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) has been monumental to the shifts in mathematics that are expected for students to be successful with the Common Core State Standards. This research allows teachers to gain a deeper understanding about students' intuitive knowledge of  mathematics and how they can foster this development in ways that honor children's thinking while still making connections to deep mathematical content.

A second edition of the book was released in October 2014. Highlights include:

  • how children solve problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and base-ten
  • the development of children's mathematical thinking
  • instruction that encourages engagement in deep mathematical concepts
  • connections between children's strategies and properties of operations

Also included in the second edition are online videos that capture children's thinking about mathematics and student to teacher interactions. Students from Jones Elementary are featured in the videos to illustrate and support teaching practices that honor the intentions of the Common Core State Standards.

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